Friday, May 14, 2010

May 11, Tuesday Baltra and home

Watching the sun set over Baltra was heavenly. The stars were out in full force and I noticed the Southern Cross and Orion's belt as well as the north star. I sat outside on the bow for hours just stargazing.

Having anchored at Baltra, we took an early morning panga ride through the mangroves to see the animals as the sun rose.

Large sea turtles slip by soundlessly as noddy terns soar overhead only to end up sitting on a pelican's head and frigate birds watch for their chance to steal something, anything.

Silent golden eagle rays glide effortlessly through the still clear water. Pelicans and Blue Footed boobies dive straight down to scoop up their prey.

It is a silent, quiet morning and though I would like to sit here all day, we finally head for the last look at the boat, and home.

1 comment:

  1. Well it certainly looks like you were in your element. I loved your photos! The sky and water looks sooooo BLUE. I'm so happy you had this opportunity. Upon reflection, I see that it would have been a tough trip for me to take. Good decisions on both our parts. Mal
